Hello, world

My first post

Posted by Jianfei on February 26, 2023

I bought a brand new Macbook Pro yesterday. Finally can get rid of the old Macbook provided by the company. Then I thought, hey, why not take this opportunity to do somethings interesting. Something I never tried before.

I picked up English again recently. I used to live in Singapore for 14 years. But since I got back to China, my English is getting really rusty. I loved writing when I was young but I haven’t done it for years after graduation. So how about writing a English blog. YES, that would be great! So I spent the Saturday setting up this blog. Thanks to an Meta Engineer named Huan Xuan and his open-source jekyll blog template. His blog starter has done most of the job.

There is another reason. When I looked back on my 10 years work experiences, I realized that I rarely spent time on sharing the knowledge outside the company or making contributions to open source projects. Mostly because there was no spare time due to the ubiquitous overtime work policy in China. From now on, I shall set aside some time for myself. It would be nice to meet and talk to other engineers form overseas.

That is all for the first post. Just a greeting and introduction. I shall write a post every day on a random topic. Since this is my first English writing visible to the globe. I think it is the time to say,
Hello, World!